
Narrated Abu Huraira (RA): The Prophet Muhammad (S:) said, "The best charity is to give water (to drink)." - Sunan Ibn Majah, Vol. 3, Book 9, Hadith 1855

The Water Project tackles the global crisis of water scarcity head-on, aiming to provide sustainable solutions to communities in need. With millions lacking access to clean water, we implement initiatives such as well drilling, water purification systems, and sanitation education. Through these efforts, we ensure families have reliable access to safe water, improving health and empowering communities to thrive. Your support enables us to dig wells, install filtration systems, and educate on water conservation, making a tangible difference in countless lives. Together, we can break the cycle of waterborne diseases and alleviate the burden of fetching water from unsafe sources. Join us in bringing the transformative power of clean water to communities around the world.
Project ID: WP-2023-002

One Tubewell


Project ID: WP-2023-001

Two Tubewell


Project ID: WP-2023-002

Five Tubewell


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